An ordinary iron sword and the normal form it is usually found in. It has the ability to diffuse magic and is useful in fights due to its weight and size. (this ability proved instrumental in battling Sieg Hart) Why is there a normal sword among the ten forms? Well, even a rave master would get tired of using it if all the forms were special!
2. Explosion Blade
A sword with no proper cutting edge but creates a powerful explosion on contact with the enemy. Haru's first sword gained from Rave and his most commonly used.
3. Silfarion (Silfolion)
the sonic sword - This sword causes the Rave Master to become extremely light, granting great speed and the ability to create blades of air for long ranged attacks. The Sifarion can also be used with the Explosion to create a special attack named "Bombing Dive" ("Twelve Wings of The Explosive Dragon") which fires explosive blades at the enemy. To make up for its advantages, the Sifarion is relatively weak as a mêlée weapon and is no more than a normal sword for attacking.
4. Runesave
the sealing sword - This sword cannot cut anything physical but can cut and seal things without a tangible form like lightning, fire and smoke. It is used by Haru to seal Elie's Etherion.
5. Blue Crimson
the twin dragon sword - the Ten Commandments splits into two blades with one having the properties of fire and the other having the properties of ice.
6. Melforce
the vacuum sword - The sword of air, this form allows the user to fire powerful bursts of air at the enemy to blow them away and paralyzes them.
7. Gravity Core
Incredibly destructive sword that can cut very hard things. However, the tradeoff is that it's extremely heavy and requires great strength to use. Although more powerful than Explosion, it's a very difficult blade to use.
8. Million Suns
the solar blade - Meaning "the force of a million suns." It would be scary if it were that powerful. Haru said that it wasn't strictly for defeating Dark affinity while telling Doryu that it wasn't a fight between different affinities. However, this Light affinity sword has more than enough power to smash Dark affinity enemies. This sword can be used against any other affinity as well.
9. Sacrifar
The second most powerful of all the forms so far, the Sacrifar provides the user with great power but in exchange the user will be consumed by the sword and eventually lose himself. Haru used this sword during his first battle with Lucia in the Project DR story arc, and he opened a can of whoop-ass on Lucia and torn him to pieces.
10. Ravelet
The most powerful form of the TCM sword. When Musica discovers that a tenth form of the TCM was never made, he takes it on himself to create one, using a piece of his Silver and some tiring blacksmith skills. Ravelet has the power to dispel evil, and becomes the default sword, it can also use all the powers of the other forms in one sword.